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We believe there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to divorce, so we take a personalized approach, building a solid relationship with you. Understanding your needs and goals allows us to guide you to the best outcome possible.

Mequon Wisconsin Divorce Lawyers

When you walked down the aisle, chances are that divorce was not what you had in mind. While no one enters a marriage anticipating a split in their future, it can and does happen. Even in the case of the most amicable divorces, it’s still a good idea to hire a Bandle & Zaeske LLP Mequon divorce lawyer that is highly experienced in the Wisconsin family court system to ensure you get the settlement you deserve and your rights are protected.

You may be tempted to proceed without the guidance of a lawyer in a situation where you and your spouse feel you can work out the major issues. However, strong, competent legal representation still remains essential in these circumstances. Too many couples who choose to go it alone end up hiring lawyers later to undo their mistakes. This is more costly than hiring a lawyer at the start and getting it right the first time.

If the issues surrounding your divorce are hotly contested and going to court seems inevitable, obtaining excellent legal representation is all the more important. According to a study by the Indiana University Mauerer School of Law, self-represented (pro-se) litigants are the second most common problem named by judges and court staff facing family courts. The study goes on to assert that pro se litigants put significant stress on the court system because of their “sheer numbers and lack of legal knowledge.”

Responding to legal questions in the correct format, understanding how to admit evidence, and knowing basic procedural requirements for court hearings can be extremely difficult and confusing even for the most educated pro se litigant. This doesn’t just have a negative impact on the family court system’s ability to efficiently handle divorce hearings; it prevents pro se litigants from getting the outcomes they deserve.

Evaluating the validity of evidence and knowing the advantages and disadvantages of your legal options are the most crucial aspects of making a solid case in court. Unfortunately, these concepts are the hardest to grasp for people not well-versed in legal procedure. Bandle & Zaeske LLP’s Mequon divorce lawyers not only know the letter of the law, they know how to make it work in your favor.

A divorce isn’t just stressful; it is also a complex legal matter where there are generally a lot of different issues to be resolved. Without the assistance of an experienced Wisconsin family law attorney you may struggle to receive the full amount of property, child support or alimony you should be getting.

Among the many matters which will need to be taken care of during a divorce are how the real estate and personal property of the couple are to be divided as well as how any minor children of the couple are to be cared for, including child support and custody agreements. Most divorces in Mequon involve the division of significant financial assets and, even more importantly, custody and support questions surrounding minor children. These important issues come with significant legal implications, ones that are best handled by experienced, knowledgeable legal professionals like the lawyers at Bandle & Zaeske LLP.

Needless to say, if you and your soon to be ex-spouse have children, you’ll want to work with an expert Mequon child support attorney to make sure not only that you receive fair treatment in the proceedings, but that your children are placed in a healthy, caring environment and receive the financial support that they need.

There’s no mistaking the fact that divorce is a difficult, incredibly stressful event, which is exactly why you shouldn’t try to go through it alone. With an experienced Mequon divorce lawyer from Bandle & Zaeske LLP on your side, you’ll be able to make the best of what is, all too often, a very bad situation and get on with your life.